Eph.6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Holy Spirit has impressed me 2011will be a year of spiritual warfare. It is critical for the church to awaken from its slumber and take its position in spiritual warfare that has expanded on several fronts. The major principality which has gained a foothold in the world and is infiltrating the U.S. in staggering proportions is the “prince of the kingdom of Persia” (Dan. 10:13), otherwise known as Allah. This demonic principality has blinded millions and is threatening to overtake many major U.S. cities. Unless intercessors take up warfare in this battle, the church will suffer severe losses this year. Most of Europe is already under control of this principality which operates through fear and violence; the USA is the prime target for this demonic force primarily because of lack of spiritual resistance from the church! The “head in the sand” attitude of the church toward this demonic assault is a result of the internal disorder caused by religious and political spirits.
Jesus warned disciples, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matt.16:6). Leaven of the Pharisees is a religious spirit and leaven of the Sadducees is a political spirit. The religious spirit is of anti-Christ, substituting manmade rules, regulations and traditions that offer a form of godliness but deny Holy Spirit’s power and operation (2Tim. 3:5). The political spirit runs rampant in religious organizations with overt maneuvering, manipulation, and personal agendas disguised as ministries. They use the church as a platform for individual advancement. These dual forces have caused the church to become weak, timid, introspective, and irrelevant when it comes to spiritual warfare and kingdom advancement. The church’s current obsession with drawing crowds by any means necessary through watered-down formats has produced a form of hothouse Christianity that lives on spiritual pabulum and has no roots, knowledge, or desire for spiritual warfare. This approach to preaching the gospel is opposed to how the first church grew and flourished under persecution and martyrdom. The coming year will see the “gates of hell” fully opened with an onslaught of demonic activity; however, the “gates of heaven” will also be fully opened to those who pursue God and His purpose. 2 Kings 6:17 offers spiritual confidence, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
2011 will be a year that determines destiny for the U.S. church. The disorder in the coming year will shake old, non-functioning, irrelevant foundations built on past moves of God with many being uprooted and new foundations based on scriptural truth coupled with real experiences in God. For many believers, 2011 will be a year of redefining normal Christian lifestyle as acts of power, notable healings, miracles, and creative discoveries and breakthroughs that occur in and through God’s people. “Breaking out” of old, familiar, religious traditions and patterns with no scriptural or spiritual significance and “breaking through” into new Holy Spirit move will be achieved where intercessors have broken through in the Spirit. Normal Christian behavior will be marked by insatiable hunger and thirst for God’s presence and desperation for more of Him. New levels of pursuit will be discovered as believers move from “asking”; then “seeking”; moving into the “knocking” dimension of Holy Spirit! Total abandonment into God and His promises will unleash a new dimension of faith within the body of Christ resulting in an explosion of signs and wonders never before seen in this country.
Prophetic/power evangelism will open doors of opportunity in communities, cities, and even countries where the gospel has never had success in the past. Outrageous joy will accompany this new “normal” lifestyle, even in the face of dire times and events. Believers will experience an “open heaven” where covenant promises, prophetic decrees, and declarations are manifested on an accelerated timetable. Natural disasters will increase in frequency and magnitude as nature responds to spiritual upheaval and reordering of kingdom reality. Prophetic intercessory teams will arise to intercede, proclaim, and decree God’s will over communities and regions. These PIT Crews will wield tremendous spiritual authority as they aggressively war against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). Many of these teams will be used in wholesale deliverances laboring in travailing prayer as specific assignments are given them by Holy Spirit. These PIT Crews will be used of God to bring down holy fire on enemy strongholds interrupting and severing lines of demonic communication and supply. Renewal, revival, and reformation will occur in many areas as evangelistic teams assault their assigned territories. Intercessory meetings will experience angelic visitations and revelatory visions will abound. Home meetings will expand as Holy Spirit moves and draws people out of religious bondage into reality of the living Christ. These groups will carry the “new thing” Holy Spirit is authoring to their fellowships and churches.
This will create crises in many places because when God ordains a “new thing” “old things” must be discarded! Isa. 43:18-19 says not to “remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” Many fellowships and churches will have a difficult time responding to the “new thing” God wants to do as they have too much invested in the “old thing” which may still be working! Others will attempt to incorporate God’s “new thing” with what they’re currently doing which will cause confusion and won’t work! Ps. 55:19 warns, “because they do not change, therefore they do not fear God.” I have witnessed churches which would not embrace a new move of God which was different from what they expected or wanted and would even criticize those moving in the new thing. Instead of worshipping and seeking God’s face, they ended up idolizing His footprints and extolling what had been done in the past, not actively participating in the present reality of Holy Spirit. A scriptural truth is that God never changes; however, His ways are always changing and He expects us to change and move as He directs. The landscape is littered with buildings where people worship at monuments to past moves of God trying to work up the previous glory that long since moved on.
A new and fresh sound from heaven will be released as psalmists, prophetic singers, and musicians receive creative prophetic worship and re-sound it with signs and wonders following! This year is for remarkable spiritual ascension for those who’ve heard His command to “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place” (Rev. 4:1). Fresh revelation will be revealed to many who hunger for deep things. Ps. 42:7 explains, “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls: All Your waves and billows have gone over me.” Those who pursue Him will be apprehended by Him, He’ll reveal His secrets, and release covenant blessings (Ps. 25:14)! The Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him will cause eyes of understanding to be enlightened so we know deeper truth concerning our calling and purpose, God’s covenant and kingdom laws, and resurrection power of Holy Spirit toward us who live by faith (Eph. 1:17-21). This new spiritual normality will be experienced to the degree that believers have minds renewed to the reality of God’s kingdom here and now in Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). The renewed mind recognizes heaven is not just a place where we go when we die but is also reality here in earth now! As Jesus explained to Nicodemus, “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is the Son of man who is in heaven” (Jn.3:13), so we also on earth are “in heaven” through Holy Spirit, for “because as he is, so are we in this world” (1Jn. 4:17). A renewed mind grasps the reality of being “raised up together, and made to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 2:6). A renewed mind understands our spiritual inheritance is not for a future timeframe but for the here and now. With a renewed mind come spiritual maturity to know God’s ways as well as His power and covenant.
The 2011 “call to arms” will activate intercessors, resulting in redefining spiritual normality which will look like this: ordinary believers praying for the sick with them being healed. Ordinary believers will discern demonic activity then command evil spirits to cease and desist and come out in Jesus’ name, with people being set free. Ordinary believers will take immediate and deliberate steps of faith resulting in working of miracles. Ordinary believers will receive revelation gifts of words of knowledge and wisdom in everyday activities leading to prophetic evangelism that results in healings, deliverances, restoration, and salvation for many. Ordinary believers understand they’re transfer agents for the reality of the kingdom of heaven to come to earth! Amen.
One night, a word of knowledge came about discs. Sheri went forward with three compressed discs, degeneration in her vertebrae, and constant pain. God healed her immediately and pain left.
The same night, a word came about a person’s balance. A lady’s balance was so bad she couldn’t stand and close her eyes without falling. Afterwards, she not only could stand with eyes closed, but as worship swept through, she was among those twirling in the Spirit.
Brian had a call of God on his life. However, he’d backslidden and was near suicide. Then, God led him to a Frazee meeting. That night, the Word and people’s ministry spoke to him. Since then, he’s free from addictions, has overcome unforgiveness, and shares God with others.
God gave Marsha a word about her grandson whose school life was chaotic because of ADHD. After the Lord gave her direction for how to proceed, things have totally turned around.
We had you pray last month for Janet, who had lung cancer. When she returned to the doctor, he said the cancer had shrunk to the size of a b.b., and he said it was a miracle.
One night a word of knowledge came about a growth on someone’s left pinkie. Larry came forward for prayer for a wart that bothered him there. In just a matter of days, the growth was gone.
Ike’s son’s house was broken into. He took it to his prayer people. By the next morning, the thieves were caught robbing another house. Everything from Ike’s son’s house was in their van.
In one week, Nikki, Richie, and Falisha all received Holy Spirit.
Steven was in a truck that hit black ice and spun around on the interstate. Items inside the truck were smashed, but no one was hurt.
At a service one night, we asked people to write prayer requests that needed breakthroughs and we burned them. Teresa put all her children’s names on the list. Within a few days, all of them had been in accidents, but none were injured.
She also testifies that years ago, as a new Christian her daughter broke her leg. Doctors said she needed a plate in it. A man at church prayed. It healed in half the time and needed no plate at all.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
IMPOSSIBLE By Connie Hunter-Urban
Bud’s life had not been very good to him with mediocre jobs and a series of bad relationships. He was tall and hard-working with crevices etched on his face that announced nothing ever seemed to fall into place for him. He existed from day-to-day, but then things got worse. An accident left him irreparably deformed with his hip bone separated from his leg. Doctors told him despite medical advances, they held no hope for recovery. Hope. That was one thing Bud had never learned much about in his thirty some years of life.
Then, a friend told him about Jesus. Though he listened, inside, Bud scoffed. Why would he want to serve a God Who’d never cared about him, never given him a break? Why would he want to change his life when as bad as his was, at least he knew what to expect? Besides, from the little he knew about God, Bud had heard He asked you to change, give up all the things he did that defined his life. Giving up what he enjoyed now would only make matters worse. His friend wouldn’t relent, though. So, to satisfy her, he decided to go to a country church she attended. As she wheeled him into the sanctuary, he looked around and saw nothing remarkable—a Wednesday night service with just a handful of women. He cringed, feeling out of place from the beginning. He settled in and knew the night would be interminable.
Then, something happened. As the ladies started lifting their voices to praise Jesus, something stirred inside him. He brusquely brushed away a tear that wandered down his cheek. As they sang, he looked around. Each lady had hands raised, eyes closed, and face tilted toward Heaven. He fought the urge to raise his hands, too, but he didn’t know why. Then, the pastor’s wife began talking about Jesus. She had an obvious relationship with Him as she spoke of His goodness and how she loved this Nazarene. How He’d sacrificed Himself for her when she was in her sin. How He’d loved her despite her being a heathen who cared nothing about Him.
As Bud listened, he heard himself in her words. He knew his life had been empty for as long he could remember. Even before his accident, he’d wondered if his future days could promise better than what he’d endured these years. As he heard about the Man Who loved him just like he was, Bud didn’t even try to stop tears that flowed. As one woman asked him if he wanted to give his life to God, he didn’t even pause as he wheeled himself forward. Somewhere inside him, he knew this was what he needed to fill the void that engulfed him. That night he gave himself over to the Man he’d never known before. The impossible happened; Bud became a new creation.
After he prayed and when the tears had dried, he just sat there, surrounded by those women, and basked in the new freedom he felt. He wanted to laugh, then cry. He felt lighter than he had an hour ago as he dreaded coming into this building. Hatred he’d had for people who’d abused him over the years suddenly seemed to disappear. For the first time in his life, he felt new emotions—peace, joy, love, even for those who’d made his life so hard.
Just when he thought things couldn’t feel better, the preacher’s wife, my mother, looked at him with a smile. “Bud,” she said, “do you mind if we pray for your hip?”
Of course he’d heard Jesus could heal, but he’d never in his wildest dreams thought it could happen to him. He’d resigned himself to being an invalid. Now, as he pondered the miracle which had taken place inside his heart, he took a moment to consider what she was saying. If God could love and change someone as hardened as he, why couldn’t He heal him, too?
He looked at her steadily. “No,” he said, “but would Jesus save me AND heal me?”
The ladies all smiled and nodded. Their confidence became contagious to him. “Which was a greater miracle?” he wondered. As each reached toward him, he was filled with hope he’d walk again. Hope. Even though he’d known little about that concept, now it seemed to burn brightly before him. He bowed his head and all the ladies began to pray aloud. After a few seconds, Bud felt something happen—a burning inside his hip. He was used to pain; but this was different, like a hand was massaging his hip and leg. He felt fire travel down his leg as electricity surged into his body. Suddenly, he just knew he could walk.
“I’m gonna get up,” he said. The ladies looked at him like what he said was perfectly logical, so he had courage to try.
He hadn’t stood for a long time, so he was slow about rising; but suddenly he was on his feet. He balanced for a minute and let that impossibility set in. Doctors had said he’d never stand again. Then, he rested his hand on his wheelchair while trying to move his bad leg. It obeyed his brain’s command and went forward. He took a step, then another and another. At first, they followed him along the front but began to fall away as they praised God for the miracle unfolding. Bud walked around, gaining momentum, until he was tired and sat down, beaming. Later, as his friend pushed out his chair, Bud walked beside her in a daze from impossibilities God had done for him, Bud, that night.
Impossibilities are what Jesus is all about. How could He have taken mud and created a new eyeball? That’s impossible. How could He have walked on water, calmed a storm, or fed the multitude? How could He take a sinner and change him into a new creation? Just like Moses’ Red Sea and wilderness provision experiences; Joshua’s sun standing still; Gideon’s victory with a meager 300 men; or David’s facing a lion, bear, or giant, Jesus knew God is the Master of the impossible. He told his disciples if they would “have faith as a mustard seed, [they could] say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it [would] move; and nothing [would] be impossible” (Matt. 17:20). Hmm! Moving geographical formations? Impossible!
Because of his experience with Jesus, Bud learned firsthand “with God nothing will be impossible” (Lk. 1:37). As he began his new life, he walked with a distinct limp. He was okay with that, though, because it gave him opportunities to tell his story. He did whatever he wanted, pain-free. Once he even climbed on the roof and helped shingle the church where my parents pastored and He had found his new life.
A while later, he went to his physician for a scheduled checkup. The doctor was amazed as he came in, minus his wheelchair. After Bud told his story, the doctor ordered x-rays. After they were developed, he came back in and put them on the light to show Bud.
“Your hip and leg sockets are not joined. It’s impossible for you to be walking.”
Bud just looked at him and smiled. “Okay,” he said, as he got up and walked out of the office. See, that night at that country church, Bud had met firsthand the God of impossibilities.
Then, a friend told him about Jesus. Though he listened, inside, Bud scoffed. Why would he want to serve a God Who’d never cared about him, never given him a break? Why would he want to change his life when as bad as his was, at least he knew what to expect? Besides, from the little he knew about God, Bud had heard He asked you to change, give up all the things he did that defined his life. Giving up what he enjoyed now would only make matters worse. His friend wouldn’t relent, though. So, to satisfy her, he decided to go to a country church she attended. As she wheeled him into the sanctuary, he looked around and saw nothing remarkable—a Wednesday night service with just a handful of women. He cringed, feeling out of place from the beginning. He settled in and knew the night would be interminable.
Then, something happened. As the ladies started lifting their voices to praise Jesus, something stirred inside him. He brusquely brushed away a tear that wandered down his cheek. As they sang, he looked around. Each lady had hands raised, eyes closed, and face tilted toward Heaven. He fought the urge to raise his hands, too, but he didn’t know why. Then, the pastor’s wife began talking about Jesus. She had an obvious relationship with Him as she spoke of His goodness and how she loved this Nazarene. How He’d sacrificed Himself for her when she was in her sin. How He’d loved her despite her being a heathen who cared nothing about Him.
As Bud listened, he heard himself in her words. He knew his life had been empty for as long he could remember. Even before his accident, he’d wondered if his future days could promise better than what he’d endured these years. As he heard about the Man Who loved him just like he was, Bud didn’t even try to stop tears that flowed. As one woman asked him if he wanted to give his life to God, he didn’t even pause as he wheeled himself forward. Somewhere inside him, he knew this was what he needed to fill the void that engulfed him. That night he gave himself over to the Man he’d never known before. The impossible happened; Bud became a new creation.
After he prayed and when the tears had dried, he just sat there, surrounded by those women, and basked in the new freedom he felt. He wanted to laugh, then cry. He felt lighter than he had an hour ago as he dreaded coming into this building. Hatred he’d had for people who’d abused him over the years suddenly seemed to disappear. For the first time in his life, he felt new emotions—peace, joy, love, even for those who’d made his life so hard.
Just when he thought things couldn’t feel better, the preacher’s wife, my mother, looked at him with a smile. “Bud,” she said, “do you mind if we pray for your hip?”
Of course he’d heard Jesus could heal, but he’d never in his wildest dreams thought it could happen to him. He’d resigned himself to being an invalid. Now, as he pondered the miracle which had taken place inside his heart, he took a moment to consider what she was saying. If God could love and change someone as hardened as he, why couldn’t He heal him, too?
He looked at her steadily. “No,” he said, “but would Jesus save me AND heal me?”
The ladies all smiled and nodded. Their confidence became contagious to him. “Which was a greater miracle?” he wondered. As each reached toward him, he was filled with hope he’d walk again. Hope. Even though he’d known little about that concept, now it seemed to burn brightly before him. He bowed his head and all the ladies began to pray aloud. After a few seconds, Bud felt something happen—a burning inside his hip. He was used to pain; but this was different, like a hand was massaging his hip and leg. He felt fire travel down his leg as electricity surged into his body. Suddenly, he just knew he could walk.
“I’m gonna get up,” he said. The ladies looked at him like what he said was perfectly logical, so he had courage to try.
He hadn’t stood for a long time, so he was slow about rising; but suddenly he was on his feet. He balanced for a minute and let that impossibility set in. Doctors had said he’d never stand again. Then, he rested his hand on his wheelchair while trying to move his bad leg. It obeyed his brain’s command and went forward. He took a step, then another and another. At first, they followed him along the front but began to fall away as they praised God for the miracle unfolding. Bud walked around, gaining momentum, until he was tired and sat down, beaming. Later, as his friend pushed out his chair, Bud walked beside her in a daze from impossibilities God had done for him, Bud, that night.
Impossibilities are what Jesus is all about. How could He have taken mud and created a new eyeball? That’s impossible. How could He have walked on water, calmed a storm, or fed the multitude? How could He take a sinner and change him into a new creation? Just like Moses’ Red Sea and wilderness provision experiences; Joshua’s sun standing still; Gideon’s victory with a meager 300 men; or David’s facing a lion, bear, or giant, Jesus knew God is the Master of the impossible. He told his disciples if they would “have faith as a mustard seed, [they could] say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it [would] move; and nothing [would] be impossible” (Matt. 17:20). Hmm! Moving geographical formations? Impossible!
Because of his experience with Jesus, Bud learned firsthand “with God nothing will be impossible” (Lk. 1:37). As he began his new life, he walked with a distinct limp. He was okay with that, though, because it gave him opportunities to tell his story. He did whatever he wanted, pain-free. Once he even climbed on the roof and helped shingle the church where my parents pastored and He had found his new life.
A while later, he went to his physician for a scheduled checkup. The doctor was amazed as he came in, minus his wheelchair. After Bud told his story, the doctor ordered x-rays. After they were developed, he came back in and put them on the light to show Bud.
“Your hip and leg sockets are not joined. It’s impossible for you to be walking.”
Bud just looked at him and smiled. “Okay,” he said, as he got up and walked out of the office. See, that night at that country church, Bud had met firsthand the God of impossibilities.
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