Wednesday, June 2, 2010


2 Cor. 3:17-18, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”; Col. 1:27, “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:”
GLORY, for many believers, is a theological concept and not something to be experienced. In reality, God’s GLORY is to be evident and exuding from our lives continually. This article is not a complete treatise about GLORY. Here, I hope to spark your curiosity to study scriptures and discover the purpose of God’s GLORY, then experience His GLORY for yourself. I know those who experience God’s GLORY are changed forever as I have been. When you set your heart to pursue diligently His GLORY, you will very soon be overtaken by Him! Only when GLORY is experienced can it be truly understood.
The quest to discover the GLORY began in Exodus 20 as God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, laws regarding human relationships; Israel’s feasts; and pattern for the Wilderness Tabernacle, with specifications, patterns, and placement of each item within His dwelling place. Here, God reinstated His original intent to live in the midst of His creation, man, as He communed with Adam before the Fall. God entered into the midst of His people within the Tabernacle though sin still separated them from His manifest presence. The Tabernacle had three distinct sections with separation between each. The OUTER COURT contained the BRAZEN ALTAR upon which sacrifices to God were made. The BRAZEN ALTAR represented the CROSS upon which the LAMB of GOD was slain and His precious blood shed for remission of sin. The BRONZE LAVER was in front of the entrance to the HOLY PLACE. It was filled with water used in the ceremonial washing of priests prior to their entering the HOLY PLACE. It represents the washing of water by the word (Eph. 5:25-27) which begins the process of sanctifying believers by renewing their minds. The OUTER COURT experience is where most believers reside today. It represents SALVATION or having received JUSTIFICATION. The OUTER COURT was open to natural elements and received illumination from the sun meaning that here men are still subject to their natural, carnal senses.. The OUTER COURT experience begins at the BRAZEN ALTAR (CROSS) and continues with study of the word; yet, there is so much more to discover! The next enclosure within the tabernacle was the HOLY PLACE. Within the HOLY PLACE is a GOLDEN LAMPSTAND made of pure gold, filled with olive oil which was always kept burning to provide ILLUMINATION for the priest’s ministry. The GOLDEN LAMPSTAND represents HOLY SPIRIT providing illumination, revelation, and empowerment for ministry. Next, is a TABLE OF SHEWBREAD made of acacia wood covered with gold upon which were twelve loaves of bread. This TABLE represents JESUS CHRIST Who was all man (wood) and all God (gold). Twelve loaves represent God’s government which was placed upon His shoulder (Isa. 9:6). The TABLE of SHEWBREAD further represents Spirit-filled believers who understand the kingdom principle of dominion (Gen. 1:26; Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-20) and believers’ roles to govern the earth through HOLY SPIRIT’S power (2 Cor. 1:20; 2 Pet. 1:2-4). The final item of furniture set in front of the veil was the GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE which was lit by a coal from the BRAZEN ALTAR carried in a censor held by the priest, creating a fragrant aroma of smoke that filled the enclosure of the HOLY PLACE. This aromatic smoke represents WORSHIP. True WORSHIP only emanates from HOLY SPIRIT in lives of believers (Jn. 4:23-24).
WORSHIP prepares believers to enter the final enclosure—HOLY OF HOLIES. Beyond the veil of the HOLY PLACE (baptism of Holy Spirit and gift realm) is the DWELLING PLACE of GOD, the HOLY OF HOLIES. Here, within the veil stands the ARK OF THE COVENANT, upon which between the cherubim’s’ wings was the MERCY SEAT where GOD’S GLORY rested. Under the OLD COVENANT the High Priest only was permitted to enter the HOLY OF HOLIES and approach the MERCY SEAT once a year on the GREAT DAY OF ATONEMENT. He would sprinkle blood of a sacrificial goat seven times both on the MERCY SEAT and in front of the ARK as atonement for the nation’s sins. Because of the final sacrifice and finished work of Jesus Christ, the veil of separation from God’s presence and His GLORY has been rent from top to bottom, providing entry for believers into His presence. In reality, when we received Holy Spirit, we became His dwelling place, temple (1Cor. 3:16), His HOLY OF HOLIES!
Now, within us, God’s Kingdom is established as present reality. This is the Gospel of the Kingdom—Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave; ascended to the Father’s right hand; then sent His Holy Spirit to live His life within believers. He empowers them to do His and greater works to establish God’s Kingdom on earth, displaying the GLORY of God and convincing the lost Jesus is Lord! It’s not difficult to see why Satan causes so much controversy about baptism of Holy Spirit. He attempts to keep believers out of the HOLY PLACE because if he can do that through religion, fear, or confusion, they will not find their way into the HOLY OF HOLIES and discover the GOD’S GLORY! Even spirit-filled believers who have entered into the HOLY PLACE (gift realm) have a tendency to be blinded into believing in false finish lines—that the baptism of HOLY SPIRIT and operating in the gifts is all we can experience this side of heaven. Even though the HOLY PLACE is wonderful, it is still a place of “duality” where flesh is alive and well. Here, we operate in partial light of the LAMPSTAND (Holy Spirit) and still have a tendency toward legalism, faith formulas, and selfish ambitions. Satan desires to keep the HOLY OF HOLIES veiled so GOD’S GLORY cannot be discovered and entered into by believers. Paul wrote, “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the GLORY (emphasis) of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them” (2 Cor. 4:3-4). I believe this passage refers not only to the lost, but also to believers! The OUTER COURT is the initial step toward the GLORY. The HOLY PLACE prepares us with an anointing (fragrance, His favorite perfume/cologne) to come into His presence. It is an “along-the-way” experience. Beyond the veil, within the HOLY OF HOLIES is where we discover true completeness and perfection—GOD’S GLORY. He has beckoned us to “Come up hither” (Rev. 4:1); He has reserved a seat for us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6). The truth is our destinies “in Christ” are contingent upon our entering into the GLORY realm.
From this elevated realm our perspective changes as we no longer view events from “see level,” believing everything we see with our natural eyes. Our new perspective provides “spiritual vision” which becomes reality as it is declared and decreed from the MERCY SEAT. In this place of REST, we finally discover all warfare is over. We no longer have the spiritual wrestling match in our minds and don’t have to yell at the devil. He was defeated two thousand years ago! This means we no longer see ourselves as points of need, have a victim mentality, or continually succumb to a spirit of self-pity because we have found our true dwelling place in Him. Now, we find in Him, our true place of intercession, and are able to release a continuous, flowing, persistent swelling river of His life into those for whom we intercede. We become the Bread of Life broken for others so His life can come forth!
Within the HOLY OF HOLIES on the MERCY SEAT, we are IN CHRIST, wrapped in His life, filled to overflowing with Him; His GLORY carries us deeper and deeper into Himself. We discover we have become His vessel, His voice, His hands extended. We no longer have our own opinions but simply respond to His bidding. Here we begin to experience GLORY and come to understand we are continually being transformed from one degree of glory to another. GLORY now is no longer an ethereal substance floating beyond our reach, but GLORY is simply and practically being “in Christ” and allowing Holy Spirit within us to convince men that Jesus is Lord. GLORY is God’s “convincing splendor.” Glory has the instant result of moving men’s hearts from their own troubles to the awesome abilities of a compassionate and caring Father. My prayer is that the prophecy of Habakkuk 2:14 becomes a reality all see, “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” When the world sees His GLORY, it is because the GLORY of the Lord is emanating from us! For God’s GLORY will only fill the earth as it fills us! AMEN.

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